A Day in the Life of a TCK
Hey guys!! Today we are gonna follow the steps of a TCK in her daily life. Her name is Avery Jones. She is 12 years old and lives in South Asia. Avery is a good friend of mine and we will be looking into a day in the life of Avery Jones. Enjoy!!

Hi, I’m Avery Jones. I have two brothers. Benjamin turns ten in a couple of days, and Ethan will be 14 in about a week. I enjoy writing, drawing, riding my bike, and doing gymnastics. Today you are going to see what a typical day in my life is like. So here it goes:
When I wake up, I quickly get dressed into my ‘school clothes’, do my hair, and then go downstairs to see my cousins and grandparents over a FaceTime call. We call them every other week. At about 7’oclock we say good-bye to them, then I make and eat my breakfast. After I pack my school bag, I mount my bike and wait for my brothers to pack their bags. I ride my bike to school with Benjamin and Ethan. We park our bikes in front of the school, then my school day starts. Because I go to an international school, my friends are from all over the globe. My good friends are from India/Bhutan & America (Heather from America, Scout from America, and Kathy from Bhutan/India). Fast-forward to the end of the day… When I get home, I park my bike and start on my homework. Doing my homework lasts until about 4:30, and then I play either soccer or basketball with Benjamin, and then practice gymnastics either on the grass in my yard or on the trampoline. After dinner with my family, I sometimes call my friend(s) from America. We usually talk for a pretty long time, and then at about 8:30 it’s bedtime for my brothers and I.
I hope you all enjoyed hearing about what it’s like to be in my life for a day. Have a good day in your life!
Avery has been living overseas for two years. She misses her friends and family back in the states just like any normal kid would when moving to a new country, but has learned a lot about her new friends and about the culture in her new country.
I hoped you enjoyed hearing from my good friend Avery. Please keep a lookout for my upcoming articles!!!
-Heather 🏀