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  • Writer's pictureMay

The path of life

The path of life is winding,

And oh I wish I knew why.

For the tears that sting me are blinding,

As I send prayers up to the sky.

The lord watches over my steps,

And controls the path ahead

So I cling to the promises kept,

And continuously let him put my fears to death.

The goodbyes are sweet but burn like fire,

As nostalgia and memories come alive again,

But I know in heaven my joy will never tire,

And the eternity with those I love will begin.

The road of life is winding and one day I’ll see it’s end,

But right now all I can do is trust as I walk around this next bend.


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1 comentario

29 ene 2023

I am sooooo happy to have you contribute, May! You are such an amazing friend and have a way with words!

welcome on board :)

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