20 Lessons We've Learned from 2020
Hey everyone! Today each of our writers are sharing 5 lessons they've learned from 2020- in total, 20 lessons from 2020. This year has been the craziest of the craziest, but some good things have still come out of it. Take the time to appreciate this year and the person you've become out of it. Here are the lessons that your TCK Times writers have learned through 2020.

1. I have learned so many things this year, but one of the most powerful lessons I have been taught is how important it is to not only spend time with the Lord but also soak in all that I am learning and apply it to my life. I have grown so much in my faith this year and cannot be any more grateful to God for showing me clearly who He is and how incredible His creation is!! - Aliana
2. Something I've learned in 2020 is to get things done ahead of time. I started high school this year, and my workload has increased by a lot. If I want to have free time and not be stressing as much about assignments, I should get things done earlier. I have known this for a while, but this year has definitely shown me that I need to put that into practice more. -Kasey
3. I should put myself in other's shoes; I have no idea what's going on in others' lives and I shouldn't just judge them on the outside because I have no idea what's going on inside. People are different in many ways and I shouldn't try to think about what people are thinking or say what people aren't saying. I should ask and not assume. ~Indiana
4. Pray. I don’t think I’ve ever prayed as much as I have this year. The Lord really taught me that when there is no one else to talk to, He is always there. Of course, you can pray wherever, whenever, but this year it really hit me hard. ~Heather

5. The second lesson I have learned this year is how much words can impact others - At the beginning of the year, I made my 2020 resolutions. One of my favorite ones that I set was to send a meaningful email to a friend every week of this year. I stuck to that resolution (mostly) and got so many friends emailing me back saying things like “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me.” and “This just made my day!” and many other similar messages. This made me realize how important it is to constantly make sure you are telling people how much they mean to you and how much they have impacted your life. - Aliana
6. Be creative in new ways. I am a heavily word-based person, and this year I've had to make and edit videos, build diagrams, and recreate paintings through photos. These things have all expanded my creativity, and while I still prefer to express myself and create projects with words, I have found other creative outlets that I enjoy, and that has also given me great new ideas.-Kasey
7. Live in the moment, and don't sweat the little things. I can get so caught up in school and personal things that sometimes I need to step back, take a breath, and realize that this isn't something I really need to stress out about. I need to look at the big picture and think about what is going to come out of this hard thing I'm going through. And once I realize it, it gets easier. I promise. ~Indiana
8. Try new things! I can’t even tell y’all how many things I’ve grown my skill in this year to get out of being bored. I loved having a whole new list of things I could do, instead of things I couldn’t! ~Heather

9. In 2020 I’ve learned to appreciate the small things and not to take things for granted. Over the past nine months, I have realized how much I took for granted such as, being able to see my friends, being able to go outside of the house, and seeing people smile. This year has taught me to be thankful for these things (and so much more). - Aliana
10. Drink lots of water. I might sound like a parent or a doctor, but seriously, stay hydrated! It helps prevent headaches and other effects of dehydration and helps you stay healthy. I've gotten dehydrated a few times this year, and it is not fun, so drink water! -Kasey
11. Journaling really helps me think and reflect on my day; as a person who doesn't open up much, I love writing in my journal and just writing how I feel because no one else will read it. I like to journal after I do my quiet time in the morning because I can write a Bible verse that really sticks out to me and reflect on it. ~Indiana
12. I've also learned that it’s easy to be negative. Trying to stay positive is very hard, but when you try it, it puts everyone around you In a better mood. So stay joyful. :) ~Heather

13. The fourth thing I've learned from 2020 is that the Lord knows all and he will guide us on the right path, all we have to do is follow Him. No matter what we are going through, we can trust Jesus to show us the right way, but we have to be willing to listen!! He knows what is best for us, so whatever happens, is for the right reasons. - Aliana
14. Another lesson I've learned this year is to try new things. As a person who doesn't really like change and not knowing what's coming, this year has been pretty hard for me. Learning to embrace the unknown and try new, unfamiliar things has really helped me grow as a person and not stay stuck by my own limitations. -Kasey
15. Don't care what people think, do what you want. I mean if everyone acted the same, wore the same clothes, and liked the same things, no one would be special or unique; this is my biggest takeaway from this year. I can wear what I want and act how I want and I don't care what others think about it and you shouldn't either. We are all different in our own way and if someone thinks that's weird or different then they don't have to like you, they don't have to be your friend. Surround yourself with people who like you for who you are, don't fake yourself for people who only want to use you. ~Indiana
16. The most important lesson I’ve taken away from 2020 is: don’t say you’ll go here or there, none of us are even promised tomorrow. My family had so many great plans for this year and almost every single one of those plans where canceled. We were upset, but we still had a great year despite all the madness! ~Heather

17. My last one is to be grateful for the moments with your family. We most likely will not be living our whole lives with them and even though it can be hard at times to get along with your siblings, God put them in your life for a reason!! One day you are going to meet someone else who acts like one of your siblings and you will be grateful for the practice. I am learning to treasure all the memories with my family because they are a big part of my life and I know that I will want to remember the fun times we have had. :) -Aliana
18. As this year comes to an end, one of my biggest takeaways is that loving others and helping out is so important and shows people that you truly care. Whether it's making a card for someone just to show them you appreciate them, cleaning up after your siblings without yelling at them, or asking your parents how you can help, loving others, helping, and showing kindness towards them is one of the most powerful things we can do.-Kasey
19. This year has been wack; I travel a lot as a TCK but due to COVID I couldn't really travel. I've found that books are one of the best ways to travel and you don't even have to leave your room. Insane right? Not really lol, over the past two years I've grown to love reading. I love escaping from this world and jumping into another one. Reading is the best way for me to relax and still feel productive at the same time, you should try it. ~Indiana
20. Stay committed! If you start something, finish it. If you commit to something, stick to it. Don’t give up just because things get hard! ~Heather

We hope that you take some time to look back over what has happened to you this year and what has come out of it. Don't just look at 2020 as a huge terrible year, but with happy moments too. We hope you enjoyed this article! Email us at tcktimes@gmail.com if you have any questions, suggestions, or anything else for us.
The TCK Times Team 🌎