12 English words that came from other languages

1. Lemon- May have come from the Arabic word for citrus, līmūn
2. Mosquito- It's Spanish for "little fly"
3. Prairie- It means "meadow" in French
4. Person- This word comes from the Latin word "persona"
5. Aardvark- It means "earth-pig" in Dutch.
6. Entrepreneur - This common word comes from French
7. Kindergarten- Kindergarten literally means "children-garden" in German
8. Waltz - This is another English word that game from German.
9. Klutz- Meaning an uncoordinated person, this common word game from Yiddish.
10. Karaoke - A favorite activity, this is from Japanese.
11.Paparazzi- This word, often used in books, originated from Italian.
12.Ketchup- One of the world's favorite condiments, ketchup originated from Chinese.
Pajamas- The word that we use every night came from a Hindi word, pāyjāmā.