Halloween Issue
The Most Popular Costumes of 2017

1. Belle from Beauty and the Beast👸👑👸👑
2. Wonder Woman
3. Characters from The Game of Thrones
4. A hippie ☮☮
5. A unicorn 🦄🦄🦄
6. A mermaid
Halloween Jokes
Why are graveyards noisy?
Because of all the coffin!
What fruit is a vampire's favorite?
A Neck-tarine!
What did the little girl say when she had to choose between a tricycle and a candy bar?
“Trike or Treat”?
Halloween-themed Songs
"Thriller" by Michael Jackson
"Monster Mash" by Bobby "Boris" Pickett
"Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker Jr.
"Purple People Eater" by Sheb Wooley
the Addams Family theme song
"Headless Horseman" sung by Bing Crosby
"This is Halloween" from The Nightmare before Christmas
"I'm in Love with a Monster" by Fifth Harmony
"Witch Doctor" by David Seville "Also check out the Alvin and the Chipmunks version)
TCK Halloweens
Sara, age 10,- My school sells caramel apples and does a dress-up competition
Kirsten, age 8,- My parents give us candy because that's all we can do.
Lily, age 12- We trick or treat, trunk or treat, make Halloween treats, have a chili cook-off, face paint, plan pranks, etc.