Duolingo- A website for learning languages

Duolingo is a website where you can learn languages for free. Some of the languages included are Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Swahili, and many more. It even offers Klingon lessons, the language in the TV series "Star Trek". There are different options of languages to learn depending on what language you already speak. For example, there are 33 languages available for English-speakers to learn, 9 languages for Spanish speakers to learn, and 4 languages for Turkish speakers to learn. There are 28 options for languages you already speak, the main of which is English. It is easy and fun to learn languages on Duolingo. You can set a daily goal for yourself, and you get points based on how many questions you answer right per lesson. It is family-friendly, and there are special badges you can get. It is not the best for learning languages long-term, but if you want to learn some of the language, or are going on a trip there, it is perfect. It is also great for filling in gaps in a language that you may be learning at school or where you live. My entire family has used it at some point, and it was great for all of us. There is both a website and an app. You can also use it at school, there is an option for educators to use it. There are mini-stories that you can read to be able to comprehend it better. You can check the progress on the words you've been working on in the "Words" tab.
I hope that you guys use Duolingo to learn languages and make yourselves smarter! This was not an ad, just something I thought that TCKs like you may be interested in.