How to Form the Perfect Summer Bucket List
Many people these days are making summer bucket lists: A list of things to do during the summer. They are becoming increasingly popular. I've narrowed it down to a couple categories for the ideal bucket list. I hope you guys enjoy the article and make your own bucket lists!

1. Things you're already going to do
If you already know that you will go visit your grandparents, or that your family is going on a church trip, or anything else like that , you can add those to your summer bucket list. They add a good base to inspire other ideas, and you're almost guaranteed to get them done.
2. Things you want to do
This is the most important category, because you want your summer to be fun! It can include hanging out at the pool, making popsicles, and so many other things! There are great ideas on the Internet and Pinterest if you are out of ideas.
3. Goals for yourself
Setting goals is very important, and you should have some over the summer, whether that be to to read _____ books, start a journal, or spend 30 minutes a day exercising. Studies have shown that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down, so grab that paper and pencil.
4. Something new
You have an entire summer to do things, so try to include a couple of things you haven't done before. It could be something that you are doing on a vacation, such as zip-lining, or something that you've just always wanted to do but haven't gotten around to yet, like making a tie-dye shirt or watching a sunrise.
5. Group activities
Try to include something that you would do as a group, like going to an amusement park with your friends, or just having a simple Family Game Night. It's good to be around other people, and you can make some fun memories with them!