50 Years Ago: What was Happening in 1969

50 years ago your grandparents were alive, but probably not your parents. 50 years ago seems ages away to you. But it won't feel that way 50 years from now. We're digging up some facts for you guys about what life was like 50 years ago.
- Politics: Richard Nixon was president in the US, and Queen Elizabeth the 2nd ruled England.
- Music: The hottest song at the time was "Sugar, Sugar" by the Archies (available on YouTube), and the Beatles, Elvis Presley, and Johnny Cash were really popular.
- Space: 1969 was the year that Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin stepped foot on the moon.
- War: The Vietnam War was still going on, and wouldn't end for six more years.
- Fashion: In the 60's people wore very bright colors, especially on tights and dresses, and women started wearing shorts.
- Science: The first artificial heart is implanted into a man.