The 5 Love Languages

The 5 love languages are ways that people give and receive love, based on Dr.Chapman's studies. This helps build a healthy relationship with family and friends. People give and receive love in many different ways, so we've briefly explained the five love languages below.
1. Quality Time
Undivided attention is the key to Quality Time. Don't multitask or take out your phone while talking to someone. If you cut someone off to go do something else, they will feel extremely hurt, so be cautious.
2. Words of Affirmation
Make sure to express what you're feeling around people who feel loved via words. Saying "I love you" or "Thanks for ______" goes a long way. Insults are what hurt them the most, so be very careful when you get mad.
3. Acts of Service
Doing the little things will really make an Acts of Service person feel loved. It is anything from doing a chore for them to surprising them with cookies to anything else. On the other hand, laziness will make these people feel like you don't love them. Check out our Random Acts of Kindness article to find ways to show Acts of Service types of love.
4. Physical Touch
Some people just love hugs and high-fives, so Physical Touch may their primary receiving love language. Ways to make these people feel loved is just high-fiving them when they do something great. Make sure you do not physically neglect them.
5. Receiving Gifts
Gifts have always been shown as a sign of love around the world, but some people naturally incline towards giving gifts to show their love. Small gifts matter to people whose love language is Receiving Gifts, it doesn't matter if it's their favorite candy, or a sweet note. These people will get very offended if a special event goes by without a gift, big or small.