Things to do with Your Friends this Fall
It's officially fall, even if it may not seem like it in some parts of the world. But people have gotten back into the rhythm of school and work, which means that the days can seem long and boring. To keep your bond strong with your friends, and have tons of fun, here are some fun activities to try with your frieds.

Have a karaoke night!
Do a photo scavenger hunt. You can find lists online or make your own.
Have an Olympics for you and your friends. You can also plan one of these for younger siblings.
Create a scrapbook together.
Try to set a world record!
Put stuff in a time capsule and bury it.
Tie-dye shirts, you can all be matching!
Have a picnic, fall has some beautiful weather.
Do a fun friend photoshoot.
Participate in a flashmob, or even start one!
Sleep under the stars.
Have a Random Acts of Kindness week.
Board Game Night.