TCK Interview: Natasha

Hey! I realized that there haven't been many TCK interviews on here for awhile. This interview is with a friend of mine. She has been living overseas for quite a long time now. I thought you would like to hear her story...
How old are you?
Do you have any siblings?
Yes. One brother.
What continent do you live on?
What is your home country?
America. The states my parents are from are Michigan and Mississippi one parent from each.
How old were you when you became a TCK?
When I was born. I was born overseas and have lived overseas my whole life.
What type of school do you go to?
What are some of your favorite parts of being a TCK?
Being able to travel to lots of different places and meeting new people.
What sports do you play?
I don't play any sports, but I used to play soccer and I have to play cricket for PE.
What is hard about living overseas?
Having to move around a lot and letting go of people.
Are you able to communicate with friends and family in your home country?
I am able to communicate with friends and family in my home country a few days every week.