Story Time

Sup y’all, this is my first post! And I thought it would be a great way to start off my blogging experience with a story about me and my family’s life overseas! This is a journal entry my mom wrote back in August 2013, about me and my siblings which I think I should name.
Me: Heather
Little bro: Steven
Little sis: Mary
Even littler bro: Jackson
But enough chit chat. I hope you enjoy the entry!
Dear journal,
The kids have grown so much since the last time I wrote! Heather is now almost six years old and is such a little gymnast (doing handstands) and is always such a help in the kitchen washing the dishes (only the plates) and with making bread. She loves to entertain baby Jackson while I make dinner. It’s hilarious to hear her talk so grown up (using the phrase “and anyways”) Steven is a bit goofy and yet a tiny life-saver. Last week, Heather, Steven, Mary, and little Jackson were outside playing on the swing set, with Santosh (our Gardner) watching them. While I was on a phone call inside. Little Mary (my two-year-old, blue-eyed wonder) decided to then go play in the sandbox. Steven as young as he was, was watching her carefully. Mary was making her way to the sandbox, but little did she know that three baby cobras were racing toward her. (I know what you are thinking that the snakes were just babies, but the truth is, is that baby cobras’ fangs have a lot more poison than adult cobras) Steven then saw the baby snakes and Mary headed directly for them. Then started screaming “COBRA, COBRA!!! Shree of sem!” Santosh then grabbed the nearest rock and killed them. My four-year-old son saved my two-year-old daughter from dying a horrible death. Which goes to show what God can do even through the tiniest people.
-Kendall Swansen (My mom)
Hope you liked it! Every once in a while I'll post another story. Keep an eye out for my next post.