My 2020 Resolutions

Hi everybody! Today I thought I would talk about my 2020 resolutions, it's a new year which means new resolutions and thoughts about what you want to do in the new year. I have three main resolutions I want to share, and I will get into them and tell you why I have made these resolution!
The first one I have is to eat healthier, eating healthy is a great thing to do for starters it gets you in a better mood and helps you retain more knowledge! Also, it makes your teeth, muscles, and bones stronger. (We all want that, right?)
The second one I have is to run a half marathon with my dad, currently, my dad and I are training to run a 5k and then we will train to run a 10k! Running is fun, it builds endurance, keeps your heart healthy, and strengthens bones and joints.
The third and final one I have is to spend a longer period of time doing my quiet time with the Lord, and journaling more with it too. Quiet time is a very important thing to do in our lives and sometimes I don't always do it. I want it to be a priority for everyone, including myself.
Do you have any new year's resolutions? If so, feel free to share!
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Indiana 🧸