January TCK Interview: Esther

Esther is a kind friend who I have known for a couple of years now. She loves to sew, crochet, knit, draw, paint, dance, and sing. We spend a lot of time together because we are neighbors. We journal together almost every week. Now, I will introduce y'all...
How old are you?
9 1/2
Do you have any siblings?
Yes, two brothers.
What continent do you live on?
What type of school do go to?
I'm homeschooled.
What is your home country?
America. My Mom is from Oregon and my Dad is from Washington.
What is the worst part of being a TCK?
The distance between extended family.
What is your favorite hobby?
Any kind of art (as in painting, dancing, etc.)
How old were you when you became a TCK?
3 years old.
What is your favorite thing about living overseas?
The friends that I have made that I would never had had if I lived in my home country.
Are you able to talk to your family members in your home country? If so, how often?
Yes. About once or twice per month.
That's all for this interview! About every month, we will interview TCKs that we know and write a new article about them. Comment below if you have any questions that you think we should add to our TCK Interviews.