February TCK Interview: Irene

I met Irene a couple of years ago, and we have been close friends ever since. Some of Irene's hobbies are sewing, painting, drawing, dancing, playing the guitar, making crafts, photography, and she likes the thought of being a nurse. Irene has a very fun personality. Let's get into the questions and answers...
1. Do you have any siblings? how many? What is their gender and age?
I have one brother and he is 14 years old.
2. What continent do you live on?
I live in Asia.
3. What is your home country? What states are each of your parents from?
My home country is the US, My dad is from California, my mom is from Michigan.
4. What type of school do you go to? (national, international, homeschool, online school, etc)
I’m homeschooled.
5. How old are you?
I am 12 years old.
6. How long have you lived in your host country?
I have lived in my host country for my whole life.
7. What are some great things about living overseas?
Some great things about living overseas are, the food, that I’m homeschooled, that I got to know Aliana.
8. What is one thing you miss about your home country?
9. How do you communicate with your friends in your home country?
I email my friends.
10. How often do you talk to your family and friends in your home country?
Once a month.
11. How old were you when you became a TCK?
I have been a TCK my whole life.
12. What is one hard thing about living overseas?
Not being around when family members get married or when a cousin is born
13. Favorite local food?
Momo, Dahl Bat, Somosa.
14. Anything else you'd like to add?
Yes, that my friend, Aliana, is super sweet!
That's all for this interview! About every month, we will interview TCKs that we know and write a new article about them. Comment below if you have any questions that you think we should add to our TCK Interviews.