Story Time #2

Sup y’all!!! I decided to do my second “story time” ever!!!
But this time, I’m going to talk about something a little more serious.
I’m going to talk about the 2015 earthquake, the earthquake that changed millions of lives. One of those lives was my life. You will hear the story of my life, and I hope you enjoy it.
We were at the public swimming pool, on April 25th, 2015. It was a regular morning until about twelve. My friends and I were having a cannonball contest, to see who could make the biggest cannonball. It was my turn, and my friend Charlotte and I counted down “3,2…” then we stopped because something didn’t feel right. “Did you feel…” I began to say. I was interrupted by my mom yelling “ everyone out of the pool!!!” Confused, I looked at Charlotte. I started to ask “ what is she talking about” but again was interrupted by screams, then I felt it. One of the biggest earthquakes of my life. The pool started rocking, swishing all the water out of it. About thirty seconds later the shaking stopped. Clutching my mom, I asked if it was over, the comforting voice told me it was over.
The next day school was canceled, we stayed home, praying the after tremors would be small. There were a few after tremors (small). The day after school was back on, we packed our bags and went off to school. At around 1 o’clock, we were having world history class. My teacher was in the bathroom. We were sitting on the floor, and I felt this strange movement under me. I calmly asked if anyone had felt that, and my classmates scolded me with “ heather, you're just trying to scare us, everything is fine!” Right at that second it started, the second 2015 big one. My seven-year-old mind instantly went to how I knew it. And I out of instinct shouted, “ I TOLD YOU!!!”
Then my teacher ran out of the bathroom, yelling “OUT OF THE BUILDING!”
Halfway down the stairs, the building was still shaking. Finally, when we reached the bottom of the five-story building, it was decided that school would end early and everyone would go home.
The earthquake is a huge part of my testimony. I went through anxiety for 3 whole years after that. I refused to go into buildings that had more than 4 stories for at least a year.
A therapist came from America, to console young kids about their fears from the earthquake. She shared a bible verse with us kids. Philippians 4-7 “ do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition, thanksgiving, present your request to God”. I hope that this verse helps with anything you are dealing with!!!
-Heather ⚾