7 Steps to Cleaning a Messy Room

There are so many things that can make your room messy. Moving and normal day to day life, just to name a few. I am going to share things that help me with cleaning my room. Here they are by step to step...
1. Make Your Bed.
Making your bed first will help you get motivated to clean the rest of your room, because it's probably one of the easiest things to clean in your room. If you have anything on the bed just push it off. We will take care of that in a bit.
2. Clean Up The Clothes.
Cleaning up all the clothes really clears everything up. Separate all of the clothes into two piles, the first on for clean ones, and the second one for dirty ones. Then put the dirty pile in the laundry basket, and the clean ones either fold or hang them up. You should now at least see the floor, if not that's okay. (and if you find any clothes that you don't like anymore or never wear anymore, you could give them away)
3. Address The Trash.
If you eat in your room regularly, you probably have at least a little bit of trash somewhere. Run and get a trash can and clean it all up!
4. Time To Sweep!
I know sweeping is not fun. But if it seems necessary, you should do it. Get that dirt off the floor! It can get annoying stepping on all the grime.
5. Put All Of The Dishes Away
Having dirty dishes in your room can really add to the clutter. Search for all the cups, mugs, plates, and silverware that you can find. Then take it all to the kitchen sink and wash them after your room is clean.
6. School Stuff.
If you do your homework in your room, you might have a few school books and papers to clean up. If you are able to, it's probably a good idea to put the papers in a folder in your backpack or wherever you need to put it away. For the books put them in your backpack.
7. Miscellaneous
Collect all the random things that don't belong in your room and put them in some sort of box. Place it to the side as you clean the rest, and put things that don't belong in your room inside the box. Once you finish the room, you can put them in their proper place.
I hope this was helpful, and I hope after you try all these things have been done, your room will be spotless!