Heather's About Me
Hey guys! I decided to tell y’all a little more about me cause there is very little you know. I will be sharing 5 facts about me. ENJOY!!!

Fact 1
I LOVE sports!!! I play Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Soccer/Football, American Football, Netball, and Rugby. And I love every single one!
Fact 2
I have been a TCK my whole life. I was born in South Asia and have moved around to a lot of different places in South Asia! I have never lived in my home country (America) but my family tries to go visit family every two years.
Fact 3
I am from Oklahoma, and I love how quiet the countryside is.
Fact 4
I play the violin. I play multiple songs and enjoy the sound of the music it makes.
Fact 5
I have three siblings, two brothers and one sister, and I am the oldest out of all of them.
There is:
Me(Heather): 12 years old, sixth grade
Steven: 10 years old, fifth grade
Mary: 8 years old, third grade
Jackson: 7 years old, first grade
I hope you enjoyed this article! with love…