Have YOU Ever...
Hey everyone! Have you ever played the game called Never Have I Ever? Well, today I thought I would switch up the rules of that game and share some things I have done before that are kinda out of the ordinary and you can see how many of these YOU might have done before!

Have You Ever; 1. Ridden an elephant?
2. Seen a wild crocodile in it's natural habitat? 3. Seen a rhino in the jungle?
4. Been to Buckingham Palace?
5. Fed a camel?
6. Petted a yak?
7. Visited the Taj Mahal?
8. Taken an overnight train somewhere?
9. Shopped at the night market in Thailand?
10. Ridden a boat down the Ganges river?
11. Found a sand dollar on the beach of Malaysia?
12. Held a seahorse from the South China Sea?
13. Tobogganed down the Great Wall of China? 14. Been to a European Christmas market?
15. Trekked in the Himalayan mountains?
Thank y'all for reading this article! Comment down below if you have done any of these things numbered above. We'd love to hear from y'all! Email us at tcktimes@gmail.com if you want more articles like this! Have a blessed day! :) Stay safe!