Appreciation for Boston
Hey guys! Today, I am sharing an appreciation post. I’d like to thank Indiana for inspiring me to write this article. I wrote my appreciation post for my really good friend. His name was Boston, he was a really really good friend of mine. He lived in America, so I only got to see him when I went on furlough. I really hope you enjoy this article!!!

Dear Boston,
Thank you for allowing into your group of friends when you saw me alone. You always made sure no one was excluded. I admired your outgoing love for God. You were so funny and you had the best jokes of all time!! I really enjoyed having conversations with you, whether it was at Sunday school or at Wednesday night fellowship. They were always either hilarious or serious and biblically stable . I learned a lot from You and how you were always open to new ideas/suggestions. I liked sharing our love for sports and the Bible. Thank you for being there when I needed a friend! I miss you!
Your friend, Heather
I hope you enjoyed hearing my appreciation post for Boston. Thank you!