Story Time 3: Hard Changes
Hey guys since I haven’t done a “Story Time” in a while. I thought I would do my third “Story Time”. This story goes through a lot of changes in my life, and I know other TCKs also go through lots of difficult changes and choices. I hope this story encourages you and just reminds you that other TCKs go through the same things you go through.
When I was around 7 and a half, there was a really large earthquake in a nearby country close where I was living. After the earthquake, my parents decided to visit the victims in the country in which the earthquake had taken place. Our plan was to stay for about 6 months. I was “temporarily” going to an international school. I liked it, but I wanted to go back home and back to my old school. In the third month, I was really starting to like my “temporary” friends and second-grade teacher. I still couldn’t wait to go home. I kept thinking "only three more months!!!" I was going through a lot at that point in my life and I was struggling through anxiety from the earthquake. And depression from all the stress in my life, such as coming to a strange place that was recovering from a huge earthquake for six whole months (or so I thought), all the travel that my family had been doing, and the fact that I was being mildly bullied by a couple of the girls in my “temporary” second-grade class. Little did I know that there was more stress to be placed on my shoulders coming. One day I came downstairs to get ready for my “temporary” school. My mom and dad called me over to the kitchen to talk about something. Then I learned that my old house, old friends, old school, and old teachers were never to be seen by me again. Then more hard news: I didn't even get to say goodbye to them. All the stuff left at our house back home was moved by a “moving truck” type thing that was driven to us by our gardener. The hardest part was leaving Tisha, my best friend. She was native to the country I lived in. She never got an explanation of where I had gone and why. Obviously this added to my depression and anxiety. Since then I’ve learned a lot. I’ve lost my depression thanks to God. And my anxiety has been nurtured and fixed. The school, I’ve learned to love. I’ve started friendships & rivalries. I’ve lost friends and made more. I would truly and honestly admit that I love it!!! I love the school I am in. I love the friends I've made. I love the new house I’m living in. I love the country I’m living in!!! God always has a plan for our lives, even if it seems catastrophic at the time.
Thank you for reading and keep a lookout for my next “Story Times”thank you!!!
-Heather 🏀