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10 Holidays In May! 🌻

Hey guys! I put together an article to let y'all know about some holidays are happening in this upcoming month! I know that almost all of us are bored in quarantine, so it could be fun to celebrate some of these at home with your family!

Saturday, May 2nd~ National Brothers and Sisters Day

Monday, May 4th~ Star Wars Day

Tuesday, May 5th~ Cinco De Mayo

Thursday, May 7th~ National Tourism Day

Sunday, May 10th~ Mother's Day

Wednesday, May 13th~ International Hummus Day

Friday, May 15~ National Chocolate Chip Day

Wednesday, May 20~ National Be a Millionaire Day

Sunday, May 24th~ National Scavenger Hunt Day

Tuesday, May 26th~ National Paper Airplane Day

I hope you have enjoyed reading this. Thank you all, and remember to share the TCK Times with your friends & family! Comment down below or email us at if you have any suggestions or questions for us! We would love to hear from you! Have a blessed day! Stay safe!

~Aliana 🌻

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