May TCK Interview: Kenzie
Hey everyone! Today I'm going to be interviewing Kenzie. I've known her for a while now, so I can confidently say she is a kind friend. She is easy to have fun with and you never get bored with her around. Here are the questions I asked her...

1. Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their genders and ages?
Yes I do, five of them as a matter of fact. I have three sisters and two brothers. They are 11, 10, 9, 6 and 4.
2. What continent do you live on?
3. What is your home country?
4. What states are each of your parents from?
Louisiana and Texas.
5. What type of school do you go to? (national, international, homeschool, online school, etc)
I go to a private international school.
6. How old are you?
13 years old.
7. How long have you lived in your current host country?
3 years.
8. What are some great things about living overseas?
You get to meet new people, eat great food and see much more of the world.
9. What is one thing you miss about your home country?
Family and other friends.
10. How do you communicate with your friends in your home country?
By Email.
11. How often do you talk to your family and friends in your home country?
Around once a month.
12. How old were you when you became a TCK?
I was born a TCK.
13. What is one hard thing about living overseas?
Friends move away and family members get sick and sometimes die.
14. What is your favorite food from your home country?
Hamburgers or steak.
15. Anything else you would like to add?
Being a TCK is my favorite thing about me.
I want to thank Kenzie for setting aside the time to answer my questions for this article. I hope you have enjoyed reading this. Thank you all, and remember to share the TCK Times with your friends & family! I write a TCK Interview every month, so keep your eye out for our next one! Comment down below or email us at if you have any questions that you think we should add to our TCK Interviews. Have a blessed day! Stay safe!