Things to do during quarantine! ☀️
A lot of us are still in quarantine/lockdown . There are so many more things to do than sit on your couch, in your pajamas & watching Netflix. I have thought up a few things to do while you are inside your house that can be fun! (after you read this article, go check out Indiana's article about things to do while you are bored here for more ideas)

Call a friend - It's great to still be able to see your friend's faces when you can't see them in person. You can still talk together and laugh together. (you can even throw a group call party!)
Do something creative - Try watercolor, making a craft, photography, dancing, or play an instrument (or learn how to play one!)
Play board games (or card games) with your family - This one is pretty self explanatory.
Read through all of our articles - We have many articles waiting to be read and what a better time to read them than now!
Make a card for your friend(s) - You can give it to your friend(s) after you can go out of your house again. :)
Email us - We love to hear from our readers, and if you want, it would be cool to hear about your experience during this pandemic. We all have different stories.
Reorganize something- Since you probably have some part of your house that is dirty, right now is the best time to be cleaning and organizing!
That's all I have for today! I hope you have enjoyed reading this. Thank you all, and remember to share the TCK Times with your friends & family! Please email us at if you have any suggestions or questions for us (or if you just want to say hi)! We would love to hear from you! Have a blessed day & stay safe!
~Aliana 🌻