Tie Dye (Nebula Pattern)
If you ever want to tie dye a shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, or anything else, one pattern I think is really cool is the Nebula pattern (or crumple way). Let us know if you guys use it!

Tie Dye Color bottles
Clothing of choice
Rubber bands
Plastic bag (optional)
Dampen your piece of clothing first, you can soak it and keep wringing the water out. Lay the cloth out then scrunch the material in your hand, like how you would scrunch curly hair, bunch the material together, also bring it closer and bunched together to get ready to tie. Place the rubber band across the shirt, then another one across the first rubber band to create a cross-like shape. Do the same thing with two other rubber bands, but in between the first two. Then prepare the tie dye colors according to the instructions in the kit you have. Wear gloves if you don’t want it to stain your hands (also wear clothes you don’t care to get dirty). Pour the colors you want on the cloth, if you want less white parts, spread apart parts and check for white parts, then pour the color on the white parts. Leave them to soak, you can put them in a plastic bags to let them soak. After about 8-10 hours, take them out and rinse them out, once you’ve done that, let them dry. If you want it to be more brightly colored, after rinsing, scrunch it up and tie it again and repeat the process.