10 Ways to Use Notebooks
If you're like me, you have lots of notebooks lying around that are either empty or partially used that you will never use again. I have at least 10 notebooks like this. Recently, I've been trying to find ways to use these notebooks that aren't completely pointless. Here are 10 different ways that you can fill up these notebooks.
1. Journal- I have been journaling for 4 years, and I really love it. It helps me to think about decisions when I write about what happened that/ day and how I'm feeling. Journaling also helps me remember details, people, and events. If I forget something, I can check in my journal for it.
2. Writing Notebook- I also have a writing notebook, and I use it for poems and stories, though you can definitely use it to write whatever you want. I also use my writing notebook for writing prompts when I'm stuck.
3. List Notebook- My list notebook is probably the notebook I use the most, right above my journal. My list notebook mainly consists of to-do lists, which I make every day to organize my day and help me keep track of what I need to get done that day. (Check out our article about to-do lists) I don't only use my list notebook for to-do lists, I also plan out my articles, write down post dates, books I want to read, plan out my articles for the next week, and all sorts of other lists.
4. 5-Minute Journal- I first heard about 5-minute journaling on 2nd Gen. TCK, and I started doing it in April. It is so helpful to get ready for your day and stay grateful in the morning, and review your day in the evening. Read more about it in Nayeli's post about 5-Minute Journaling.
5. Catalog Notebook- This type of notebook is for keeping track of things you own, such as clothes, notebooks, books, etc. This helps you remember what you have and how many of each thing you have.
6. Quotes Book- If you love quotes, it's quite handy to have a notebook full of your favorite ones, whether you need them for a school assignment, to be inspired, or anything else. Check out our posts under the tag quotes to find even more quotes to put in your quotes notebook.
7. Planning Notebook- A planning notebook will help you to plan out big assignments and other things like that. For example, if you have an essay due on a Friday, in your planning notebook, you'd break it down into smaller tasks, and plan out which days you will complete them on.
8. Lettering Book- Practice your hand-lettering in a notebook, whether it's calligraphy, printing, or something else. This is very good to do when you are bored, and it will help you have nice handwriting.
9. Food Journal- In a food journal, you can keep track of what you eat and drink in a day, write out your favorite recipes, and list recipes that you want to try!
10. Gratitude Journal- It is great to keep a gratitude journal and write down all that you are thankful for. This will help you to be happier and more content with what you have, instead of focusing on what you don't have.