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Get to know me: Claire

Hey everyone! Today I'm going to be sharing 8 facts about me. I just recently started writing for the TCK Times and I want all of y'all to get to know me better!! ツ

1. I've been a TCK all my life, which is almost 14 years.

2. I LOVE dogs!! I have two amazing huskies :)

3. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies, I've read so many books!! My favorite would have to be Heroes of Olympus or Harry Potter.

4. Summer is my favorite season! I don't like hot weather but finishing school and having free time makes up for it ㋡

5. I love coffee, everything from whipped coffee to americanos!!

6. My favorite color is lavender. It's been my favorite color since I was ten!

7. I have two brothers & one sister. We're all two years apart from one another!

8. Another one of my favorite hobbies is photography! I love taking pictures on my family's dslr. :)

That's all for today's article! I hope all of y'all got to know me better!! Stay home & wash your hands. Have a good day!! ツ

If you want more articles like this then make sure you email us at

Claire 🦋

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