A Day in the Life of Indiana
Hey everyone, in today's post I'm going to be walking y'all through a normal day for me. Let's get started :)
7:30 - Wake up time! 🌞
At 7:30 my alarm goes off so that means it's time for me to start my day. I immediately get out of bed so I don't fall back asleep. When I get out of bed I take a sip of water and grab my laptop, bible, and kindle. I use my laptop to take notes from my devotional, my kindle to read my devotional, and my bible to read the Bible passage. After I'm done with my devotional I make my bed.
8:00 - Breakfast
When I'm finished with reading my bible and making my bed I eat breakfast. It sometimes depends what I eat but it's typically cereal, oatmeal, or a muffin. But today I ate cereal.
9:30 - School time 📚
When I'm done eating breakfast I typically just chill on the couch and talk with my family. Around 9:30 I start school, right now I'm doing an online school but as I write this, tomorrow is my first day of 8th grade! I know what you're thinking "no summer break, what?!" Yeah, I know, I wish I had one too haha. But anyways, I'm starting at an international school tomorrow (but it will be online) and I'm pretty excited! I plan to do a whole other post talking about school, so stay tuned!
12:30 - Lunch :)
After I've done school for a few it hours it's time for LUNCH! For lunch today I had orange chicken and white rice, it was really good. When my mom made it she made it with orange juice, so I was a little skeptical at first but it was really good after I tried it! I take a break from school for about an hour then I jump right back into it.
3:00 - Yay no more school!
Finally it's 3:00! At 3:00, I've usually finished up all my school and now I'm going to do some other non related school things like doing dishes, and cleaning my room. For the most part my room is clean but sometimes I let things get out of place.
6:00 - Dinner 🍕
Dinner timeee! Tonight we had homemade pizza for dinner. While we we're eating we watched Big Hero 6. After I finish eating I do the dishes and clean up the kitchen.
7:00 - Chill time
It's time for me to get some things done regarding school and just chill. I love listening to music, it's one of my favorite things to do, and that's what I'll normally do at this time. 🎶🎵
8:00 - Shower 🚿
Shower time! after my shower I put on some comfy clothes, brush out my hair and put some product in it, take my contacts out, brush my teeth, and do my skincare!
9:00 - Watch TV
After I get out of my shower and get ready for bed I watch some tv with my parents.
10:00 - Get into bed 🛌
After I get into bed I typically read until 10:30 or 10:45 than I fall asleep...

Well everyone that's all I have for today's post. This is basically what I do everyday, but it will probably change soon since I'm starting at a new school.
If y'all would like another one please let me know at tcktimes@gmail.com, I loved writing this.
Hope y'all have a great day!
Indiana 🧸