Appreciation for Jason
Hey guys! Today I’m going to show some appreciation to my good friend Jason. As a lot of you know he writes for TCK Times and I have done a couple posts with him. He goes to my school so we are pretty good friends. Enjoy!!

Dear Jason,
Thanks for all that you put up with. Even though sometimes I make it difficult to get along with, you always seem to show me grace. I can't ever stay mad at you for long because you're always so forgiving and gracious. When I’m mad about something you roll with my complaining, you stay calm when I’m frustrated. Then you always come up with something that I can look forward to after all the hurt. You're fun to play basketball with. Even though I might not be as good as you, you always make sure that I am included in the game. I love having someone to talk to about science and nerdy stuff without being ignored. You're a great listener and I aspire to be like that. When I’m upset you try to help, when I’m deeply hurt by another friend you comfort me, when I’m alone you include me. And that is why I’m glad to have you as my friend! Thank you, Jason!
I hope y’all enjoyed reading my article today! Keep looking out for my coming articles! Writing appreciation letters/notes to friends really helps me be thankful for my friends and realize how blessed I am, I would strongly advise you to do this as well. If you want any more appreciation posts, email us at to ask us.
See y’all next time!