Questions for Friends + an updated About Me
Hey guys!! Today I thought I would do another “about me” post because a lot has changed about me since I last did this. This time I thought that I would add more facts about me that would just let you guys get to know me more as a person. These are also questions that you can ask your friends to get to know them better. It's always fun to get to know your friends better and know more about them. The things in bold are things that can inspire questions to ask your friends to get to know them better.

I'm twelve years old, and would definitely be described as a dreamer by my friends. My #1 dream is to travel the world as a famous female Christian archaeologist. My favorite books are the Percy Jackson series, and I like music from the early. I absolutely love pizza and basketball (though not at the same time!!). My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13, which says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It's a reminder both that God can do anything and that I cannot, that I need His help.
Things that I'm scared of are headaches, being bored, and losing a friend to someone who I think is better than myself. As I'm a normal human, I do have flaws, some of which are that I'm defensive, I'm pretty prideful, and I have a really low attention span (I tend to daydream a lot). I do like school quite a bit, and my top three favorite subjects are science, history, and PE. I really don't like sour winners or when people are sarcastic over email. I like it when my friends have compassion, a love for God, and a somewhat similar personality to mine. I love sports and God, always want justice, and I'm super dedicated to things.
Thanks guys for reading this! I hope you liked it and got to know me better. Please keep a lookout for my upcoming articles!!! Feel free to comment in the comment section down below: What would you say are your fatal flaws and what do you look for in a friend? Love y’all!