My Favorite Quotes
Hey people!! I thought it would be cool to share with y’all some of my favorite quotes and why. Enjoy!!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - Plato
Just because someone else is being mean doesn’t mean we have the right to retaliate. Most of the time we have no idea what’s going on inside someone’s head. So be kind!
No one ever made a difference being like everyone else. -P.T Barnum
I love this quote because it makes ist point straight away. It only means one thing so there is no need to give an explanation.
I was taught that the way of progress is neither swift nor easy. - Marie Curie
Marie Curie really inspires me. This quote proves that she knew along that she would have to work hard in order to be successful and do great things. She was the first woman to win a Nobel prize AND she discovered the two elements, Radium, and Polonium. That’s definitely what I would call successful. For me, wanting to be a scientist (an archeologist), that's pretty inspiring.
You is kind, you is smart, you is important. - Abileen (from the movie The Help)
Even though this quote doesn’t have the best grammar, I still think that it should be able to teach us all to love ourselves for the kind, smart, important people that we are.
How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. -Winnie the Pooh
This is what we all need to be grateful for in times of loss. We need to think of all the things that would be hard to say goodbye too and appreciate them.
My home is heaven. I’m just traveling through this world. -Billy Graham
This quote reminds us that nothing on earth is permanent. We shouldn’t cling to the things of the world.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -Albert Einstein
I don't know if I fully believe that, but I know that without imagination a lot of famous scientists probably wouldn’t have even thought about discovering some of the great things they did. Also my imagination is what makes me, me. My daydreaming is what gives me inspiration to study and find the answers to things.
Nothing is impossible the word itself says “I’m possible” -Audrey Hepburn
I have loved this quote since I was like nine years old. Nothing is impossible!!! Never forget that.
When you're ugly and someone loves you, you know they love you for who you are. Beautiful people never know who to trust. - Drax (From the movie Guardians of the Galaxy 2)
Guys, it’s from a movie so this quote isn’t that well worded. What this quote is trying to say is, that you shouldn’t be too worried about what people think of your looks. If you try to look good and someone is your friend only because of your looks… just saying… THAT’S SUPER LAME!!! They are not real friends! When you have friends that love you for who you are, it's really special.
You must be that change you see in the world. -Gandhi
The change you want in the world will never be achieved if everyone thinks that someone else will start the change. It’s never gonna happen unless YOU take action!
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try one more time. -Thomas Edison
A lot of us give up easily when things are hard. This quote helps us remember that we aren't ever going to succeed at anything if we give up after the first time. And even after the second, third, fourth, and fifth time you should still keep trying. I mean, c’mon, Edison failed thousands of times before he finally invented the lightbulb.
He who fears he will suffer, already suffers because he fears. - Michel De Montaigne
You won’t get anywhere in life if you sit around being scared. I struggled with anxiety for 3 years and I did exactly this. I would not enter buildings that were taller than 4 stories tall. Therefore I would miss out on fun activities like going to the mall to see a movie or going indoor swimming. Sometime I would have to go inside tall buildings and let me tell you…I was not fun to be around. I suffered by fearing everything.
We sometimes think that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for, is the greatest poverty.-Mother Theresa
Someone can live a life without food, water, or even clothes and still be loved and wanted AND can live a happy life. You can be the richest person on the planet and not be wanted or loved. You can live as a depressed richest human being.
No one can change the way they look, so why don’t we change the way we see. -Mr. Tushman (from the movie Wonder)
I used to struggle with my appearance, I believed that people would judge me before getting to know me first. I was afraid that my best friends would leave me for someone I thought was better or prettier (this is still my fear, though it has kinda evolved into more of a competitive issue). When I watched the movie ‘Wonder’ this quote stuck out to me.
My momma always said, life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you’re gonna get. -Forrest Gump (from the movie Forrest Gump)
I really love the movie ‘Forrest Gump’ because it shows the insistence of someone with a childlike heart. I like this quote because it’s SO true. Life is full of unexpected turns. One moment life could be horrible, the next it could change for the good.
Sometimes the thing you've been looking for your whole life, has been standing right next to you the whole time and you didn’t even realize it. -Peter Quill (from the movie Guardians of the Galaxy 2)
What he said is SO true. We need to learn not to take the people or things we have for granted because when they're gone it hurts even more.
If you want to change the world, you start small, right at home. -Lizzie Velasquez
I want to somehow affect the world in either a small way or a huge way that makes history. That will never happen unless of course I start small, at home.
There’s a flame that's inside of all of us. The flame is our hurt, our love, our compassion, our sense of justice. And together the little flames in all of our hearts could become the wildfire that changes the world. -Me (Heather Swanson)
I hope y’all enjoyed and were inspired by all these quotes!!! Have a great day! BYE!!!