My Daily Habits
Hey everyone! Today I'm sharing some of my daily habits with you. I really do believe that once you get into a habit, it sticks with you. That has been the case for me, though I'm always trying to implement new good habits in my life and get rid of bad ones. These are the habits that I usually do every day just to keep my life in order.

1. Make a to-do list
I make a to-do list nearly every single day. Checking off the boxes is great incentive for me to get things done. Some days I get really distracted in the evening and don't get many items checked off, but some days I check everything off. A lot of other habits in this article are on my to-do list every day.

2. Read my Bible
I try to read my Bible every day to learn more about God and keep my life focused on Him. I like to read it in the morning to start my day of on the right note, though I sometimes am in a bit of a rush and will read my Bible later in the day.

3. Q&A + 5-min journal
I have a Q&A a Day journal which I've been working on for a few years that I do with my 5-min journal. I do my Q&A journal in the morning and my 5-min journal in the morning and afternoon. Read more about 5-minute journalling on 2nd Gen TCK.

4. Practicing Spanish
I take Spanish at school, but I also practice it on Duolingo. I have my goal set on there, so I try to practice that much every day. If I miss it a day, it keeps adding up every day I miss, so that's the biggest motivation for me to practice Spanish every day.

5. Lay out my clothes
I always lay out my clothes for the next day so I don't have to stress about choosing an outfit in the morning or run around trying to find something I thought was in my closet. It helps me stay on track!
These are some of my daily habits! I hope you guys find good habits to implement into your daily life and that you get rid of all those nasty habits. Email us at with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Kasey ✌️