My Favorite TCK Blogs
Hey y'all! Today I'm sharing some of my favorite TCK blogs. These are all blogs whose specific purpose is for TCKs and are run by one or more TCKs. Quite a few of these have been started by TCK friends of mine, and I love seeing the online TCK community grow. I would love to see even more TCK blogs, podcasts, and artists all over the internet. Speaking from experience (and having The TCK Times for over 2.5 years!), the TCK community is such an inclusive one, especially online. I could ramble on and on about this, but let's get to the blogs!

This blog is run by a super close friend of mine, Nayeli! She's been running 2nd Gen for about a year now, which is a huge accomplishment! Nayeli blogs about so many different topics: food, travelling, music, books, encouragement, and so many other things. Recently, she's been writing a lot about the Bible and what's been encouraging her, which is really awesome! Take a hop over to 2nd Gen TCK and subscribe to the blog for amazing articles.
The TCK Wonder blog has been set up recently for the podcast "A TCK Wonder". While they do focus on the podcast a lot, they do have their own stories, what they plan to do with the podcast in the future, and how YOU can get involved with the blog and podcast. Go check out the blog and show some love over there!
This is a recently started TCK blog, but Skylar (the founder) has already written some great articles! She's interviewed a few of her friends, shared some of her favorite quotes, given us game suggestions, and a whole lot more! Go show some support to Skylar's blog and read the articles here.
Definitely go check out ALL of these amazing TCK blogs! Email us at if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Photo credits for the above photo to my fellow writer, Aliana. Thanks for the amazing photo!
Kasey ✌️