Aliana- A Day in my Life
Hey y’all. Today I thought I would share what typical day in my life looks like. I got the inspiration for this post from Indiana. You can go check out what her day in the life looks like here!
(the below photo is my own :)

6:00 am ~ Wake up :)
I usually wake up sometime around 6 am even on weekends because I don’t want to mess up my sleep schedule for the next school week.
6:05 ~ Make my bed
I make my bed right when I wake up, because it makes me feel productive and helps my day start off clean.
6:10 ~ Coffee
Before I read my Bible I like to get a cup of coffee to wake me up, so that I am actually understanding what I am reading instead of thinking about how tired I am. Hehe. Usually I have iced coffee.
6:20 ~ Quiet time
After I make my bed, I grab my Bible, journal, and colorful pens and highlighters. This is my favorite part of my morning routine. My time spent with Jesus. I usually have a few devotional plans on the YouVersion app that I read during this time. In September 2019 I started reading the whole Bible in a year and I am almost done with it! I like reading God’s word in the morning because It starts my morning off right. :D
7:20 ~ Breakfast
I usually spend an hour or so reading the Bible and journaling my prayers and thoughts, and then I eat my breakfast! I usually switch up my breakfast, but the most common is either eggs and buttered toast or oatmeal, occasionally yogurt and fruit (if I am not that hungry.)
7:40 ~ Get ready for the day
Once I have eaten, I will usually get dressed, brush my teeth and take a shower. I will also get any school books that I need for school and get them all ready for when I need them.
8:30 ~ Start school
My first subject starts at 8:30. I am homeschooled, if y’all didn’t know, and I have been all my life. My first subject is with all my siblings and we usually read a book all together and do a few other things. Next I’ll go onto Math and Exposition.
11:30 ~ Lunch
After I finish all that, I will eat lunch! Usually I eat a turkey and cheese sandwich.
12:00 pm ~ Lunch break over
I’ll start school again after that. I’ll do the rest of my subjects: Science, Reasoning, Latin, and Cartography.
3:00 ~ Done with school
I’m usually finished with school by 3:00, and I’ll usually just do some random things, but basically, this is my break.
4:00 ~ Chores
My siblings and I each have a chore that we do every day. I am in charge of all the laundry in the house. On Fridays, we do a deep cleaning of the house just to make sure all the nooks and crannies are clean and all the little things we might have missed over the week are too.
5-6:00 ~ Dinner
Sometime between 5 and 6, we will eat dinner as a family. Usually we talk about our day and share what we enjoyed doing. Dinner varies from spaghetti to pizza to BBQ, etc.
6:30 ~ Miscellaneous
After dinner, I will usually work on a blog post, edit a video for my YouTube channel, watch a YouTube video, read a book, or even clean my room. Mostly work on things that I did not get to do that day.
7:00 ~ Prepare for tomorrow
At seven, I will prepare anything I need for the next day, like write out my To-Do list, set out my clothes for the morning, etc.
8:00 ~ Get ready for bed
The last thing I do in my day, is to make sure I am all ready for bed. I will get in my clothes for the night, brush my teeth, do my skincare, brush my hair and put it up in a bun. Then I’ll get my Bible back out, along with my journal and colorful highlighters and pens, and spend a little more time with our creator. I like to start and end the day with God. I will also get a book and read it right before I go to sleep.
9:00 ~ Night!
I try to go to sleep by 9:00, just because I get up at 6:00 and I want my body to have enough sleep. I don’t always get in bed by then, but I do try.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this. Thank you all, and remember to share the TCK Times with your friends & family! Please email us at if you have any suggestions or questions for us (or just want to say hi!) We would love to hear from you! Have a blessed day & stay safe!
~Aliana 🌻