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2021 Photography Contest

Hey everyone! It's April again, which means it's time for our annual photography contest! This is our third year holding the competition, and it gets more fun every year! Below, you can find the rules and this year's theme! Happy photo-taking!

This year's theme is beauty! Show us what is beautiful to you and what you see beauty in your life.


- You must be of the ages 6-18 to participate. You do not have to be a TCK.

- You may submit up to 3 photos.

- Submissions can be sent to Email us with your first name, your age, your photo(s), and the name of your photo(s). If you do not feel comfortable using your first name, you can use your middle name.

- Photos can be submitted up to the 30th of April. The photos will be judged during the first week of May and the winners will be announced during the second week of May.

- Writers for The TCK Times are allowed to participate, as the judge will be receiving only the photos and titles, not the names of the artists.

We cannot wait to see your photos and creativity!

The TCK Times Team

115 views4 comments


Do you know if the results are coming soon?

May 17, 2021
Replying to

Lana Awesome sauce, Yes. We are sorry for the delay, but the results will be published sometime later today. Thank you for your patience!


Unknown member
Apr 20, 2021



Apr 08, 2021

This is going to be so fun! so excited!!

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