FOMO is the abbreviation for Fear Of Missing Out. It's defined as "anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere". This was first identified in 1996, and as the number of social media sites and the ease of internet access have increased, so has FOMO among people.

Multiple studies show the link between social networking usage and experiencing FOMO; Teens who are on social media for higher amounts of time are more likely to fear missing out on activities, experiences, or other important things. Social media shows us what's going on in people's lives constantly, but social media only shows highlights of their lives! It shows us the days people get dressed up nice, the days they win games, and the days they have the most fun. Social media is deceptive because it gives us the idea that everything is perfect and wonderful in other people's lives- even though it's not. It makes us feel like we're missing out because it shows all the amazing things everyone else is doing. The pictures may be better than the experience oftentimes! We have to remember that everyone does not live exciting, glamorous lives all the time and that what is posted on social media is only the very best of people's lives.
FOMO can definitely be found & experienced in TCKs! I've found that among myself and other TCKs, sometimes we fear or are sad that we are missing "normal" Western/American things like prom, football games, driving- basically, the quintessential high school experience that the movies & media tell us we all need. It can also be feeling like we are missing out on some exciting and exotic trips that our friends are taking, and we really aren't as much. TCKs can feel FOMO on such a strong level, and that's not a great feeling.

So, what can we do to combat FOMO?
Well, there are definitely some practical things we can do to reduce FOMO in our lives. The biggest one is to get off social media! Take a break from scrolling through what your friends & celebrities you follow have posted! If you aren't constantly being bombarded with photos from what event or experience you aren't at, you're probably less likely to be thinking about it.
You can also make fun plans for yourself! While they may not be the same thing as what you're missing out on, they'll give you something to look forwards to! It's also important to remind yourself that in the long run, whatever you're not at/missing out on is probably not that important. Will this one party matter in two years? Will getting your license a year later because you're not in the country matter in the grand scheme of driving? The majority (like maybe 98%) of these things that we feel FOMO over are truly not very significant in the long run.
It is also very important that we keep in mind the truths of the Bible! What are truths of the Bible that we can trust when we are fearing missing out?

Romans 8:8 says, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." This shows that God has a plan for us & it is GOOD. He has planned for us to not experience whatever our friends are doing, to not go on that trip, or to miss that party, and through it, He is working for our good! He has everything under control and he is not just messing around with our lives, making us miss something just to see us hurt and be unhappy.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11
This is quite a well-known verse, and that's for a reason! It reminds us that through God, we have hope. His plans are for us to prosper, or thrive, and that can give us hope, knowing that God's plans are supreme and his amazing ways are superior.
This was such an encouraging post. Thank you Kasey!!