Hey everyone! Today's post is a little bit different than normal; it's not an interview or a list, but I'm sharing my "word of the year".

A lot of people have a word of the year and it can be anything from PEACE or JOY to VALUE or LEARN. My word for 2021 is FULL. I spent all of January thinking about my goals for the year and also what my word of the year should be, and I ended up deciding on FULL. This seemed to fit in a number of ways. I want my year to be FULL of community- spending quality time with friends & family and going deeper into relationships. I want my heart to be FULL of love and I want to be FULL of the Holy Spirit; every day I am working with the Holy Spirit to become more like Jesus. I want to be FULL of joy, and also share that joy with others. There are so many things I want to be full of, like generosity, empathy, and peace. I also want to FILL others up; I don't want to be a friend who tears others down or is exhausting to be around. I want others to feel FULL around me. This word is my word for 2021 because there are so many ways that I can apply it to my life, and I just felt led to it. If you've chosen a word for 2021, tell us in the chatbox what it is! I am so thankful that you've come to visit us at The TCK Times and that you've read this article. God loves you, and we want you to know that!
Kasey 🤍