Heyo! So it is now 2021! The Christmas season just ended, but for a lot og TCKs, Christmas wasn’t as amazing as most years. So here is what some TCKs went through this year on Christmas.

2020 was hard, we all know that. Well, for some people, Christmas was harder than planned. A lot of people had expected 2020 to be an amazing year, well we all know that it was super hard. Imagine how many families of TCKs had planned to spend the 2020 Christmas with their family in their home country. Normally those families would be able to get home, but not this year. My family was very blessed to get out of the country and have this amazing time in our home country. Not many people have been blessed with that. It would be very difficult to be stuck in your house, not being allowed out ON CHRISTMAS! Not being able to get out and go shopping for gifts. Some places in the world are still in strict lockdowns. There has been no mail to get Christmas presents (for various reasons). No shops have been open. Well, that’s what this Christmas has been for so many families living overseas. Some places are still serious about COVID and have lots of restrictions in place! Please pray for those people in those places, so they can have a late Christmas. Pray they will remember Christmas is really supposed to be focused on Jesus. Pray they get to have a 2021 that is everything good and blessed. . A year full of fellowship and joy. Let’s make 2021 a year full of prayer.