A Day in my Life (before COVID)
Hey everyone! Today's post is another day in my life post. I'm sharing how a normal day went for me before we had to go into lockdown because of COVID-19. In a little while, I'll share what a normal day during COVID looks like for me. Enjoy!

6:30- I usually get up around this time on school days to make sure I have time to read my Bible, do my 5-minute journal, get dressed, and do my hair & makeup before breakfast. Making sure I read my Bible and complete the morning section of my 5-minute journal makes sure I start my day off right.
7:00- My family all has breakfast together each school morning. Most weekdays we have eggs, some days we might have baked oatmeal or cereal. We do family devotions over breakfast.
7:25- We try to be out the door to walk to the bus stop by 7:25 every day. It takes us about 10 minutes to walk to the bus stop, and our bus usually comes at around 7:40-ish. We get to school around 7:50-7:55, and my homeroom starts at 8:00.
8:00- Homeroom starts at 8, and I usually just talk to my friends during that time. I then have 6 classes throughout the day, with a snack break at 10:10 and a lunch break at 12:30.
3:10- School ends a little after 3, then we pack up and I get on the bus to go home again. We have a really short bus ride (about 10-15 minutes) because we live close to our school, but it's too far away and too steep to walk or ride a bike. Some days I have basketball or soccer practice after school, which ends at 5, but that's only two quarters out of the school year, and not every day.
4:00- We usually get to our house from the bus stop a little before 4 each day. I'll usually eat a snack and hang out with my siblings some, then do homework. After homework, I'll have time to read, bake, play games with my family, work on the blog, or anything else that I do in my free time. The amount of free time I have usually depends on how much homework I have. I also help with dinner or cook dinner sometimes during this time.
6:30- The time we have dinner really changes every night, but it is often around 6:30 or 7. We have so many different things for dinner- crockpot meals, grilled pizzas or grilled meat, stir frys, and lots of other things.
7:30- After dinner, I'll usually shower, prepare for the next day, write in my journal, and just chill. Sometimes (though usually on Fridays or Saturdays) I'll FaceTime a friend in America and talk to them for an hour or two.
9:00- I usually try to be in my bedroom by 9, but I don't get in bed at that time usually. During this time I'll usually clean up my room, fill out the evening part of my 5-minute journal, write in my journal if I didn't earlier, then get in bed.
9:30- On a normal school night, I would usually get in bed around 9:30, especially if it was a really tiring day. I'll usually read on my Kindle for a little while, then put it up and go to sleep.
I did mention that I had sports practices some days throughout the school year, which ended at 5, and I'd usually be home by around 5:30 those days. Dinner would usually be around the same time, but I'd just have less free time those days.
I hope you guys enjoyed this Day in A Life! If you have any questions or suggestions, email us at tcktimes@gmail.com.
Kasey ✨