A little about me
Hello everyone!
My name is Brittany and I am proud to announce that I will be joining the TCK Times team. What a privilege!
Now, to tell you all a little bit about myself…
I am sixteen years old and belong to a family of five, with me being the oldest child. My personal hobbies include reading, art, and writing. I am pretty sure that I have Lexical-Gustatory Synesthesia (look it up, it’s really interesting) though I have never tested for it. I’m also planning to go into psychology when I graduate high school. Lastly, I am a TCK, or a Third Culture Kid. If you don’t know what THAT means then I suggest you look into it as well because it’s really worth knowing and understanding.

The experience of being a TCK can impact your life tremendously, and it is such a beautiful and pain-filled path. Honestly there is so much I could say on this topic, so much I could share with you guys, though I know that many of you who read this blog probably understand what it’s like. During my time as a TCK (my entire life!) I have lived in three countries, suffered quietly with people who are hurting, learned to adopt some incredible cultures, and experienced the searing pain that comes from a steady stream of losing friends to other places.
That being said, just take a moment to think about how incredibly unique YOU are. I mean just think about it! God not only took the time to create you, he took the time to create all the things and places that have molded you into the person you are now!
So, wherever you find yourself today, whether in your passport country or your home abroad, I just want to remind you that you’re fearfully and wonderfully made. Our Creator will never let us go because we are precious in his sight.
Now go forth and conquer! May the Lord of heaven and earth bless you and give you peace as you enter into this coming week.