A New Era: Instagram Page Now Open
Dear reader,
The world is constantly changing. The past few years, the changes have been driven by many factors, including, but not limited to, the rise of social media. Fewer and fewer people read blogs and articles as they are longer and less accessible than social media and this new cultural phenomenon has definitely impacted our realm of influence.
Change is prevalent everywhere, including this blog, with an abundance of different writers in different seasons. Over the past two years, we have put a lot of thought into how to adapt and meet people in a more convenient place. What better way to do that then starting an instagram page?
So, through a lot of hard work on Caleb’s part, we now have a page up. He will be running it and has so many awesome ideas for it to make this more interactive! I would love to give a huge shoutout to him and all the investment he has put into this!
Please follow us @tcktimes!!!
We look forward to this new chapter and the new opportunities ahead!!!
TCK Times Team