Hey everyone,
So, I really enjoy writing and recently I was sitting down not knowing what to do so, I wrote a poem. This poem is titled 'Struggle'. It is about the lockdowns and just when times get tough. I hope that you enjoy it!

Struggle is my enemy
We are in a constant battle to gain control
And over these last 2 years, Struggle has had the wheel
It has taken over my schooling, friendships, and daily life,
making each day hard to get through.
It seemed as though Struggle would never give me the wheel back
Because when Struggle has the lead so does sadness, hurt, and anger
They too make everything harder.
Somedays I would manage to get the wheel and I would have peace for a while until Struggle got it back again
It is just a continuous fight over who gets to drive my life
Who gets to keep the wheel?
Now I realise that Struggle is my friend even though at the time it seems like an enemy,
I have learned that Struggle will take the wheel in life a lot,
But what I have to do is control whether I crash and give up or keep going,
Will I let sadness, hurt, and anger join Struggle at the wheel?
Or will I push them away and not let them have that power over me?
I know now that Struggle has made me who I am
It made me stronger and more resilient,
It helped me see the world through different lenses,
It has given me compassion for those going through the same struggles.
It still hurts, but I know that I can live with the pain,
Because one day all that pain will be gone and my life will be carefree.
So, I will just wait for that day and deal with the hurt,
Because Struggle is my friend.
I have a recorded version on YouTube right here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez_3U6Cr430
I hope that you enjoyed that poem!
God bless,