A true friend

A true friend. A true friend doesn’t gang up on you with another ‘friend’ to purposely ignore your emails/texts. A true friend won’t tell you one thing to your face and something else behind your back. A true friend is someone who chooses to encourage you rather than tear you down. A true friend won’t deceive you or use you. A true friend won’t get you into trouble and send you to detention; they wouldn’t set you up for embarrassment. They won’t make you feel stupid for your fears and opinions. A true friend will agree to disagree rather than demanding his/her opinion is correct. A true friend cares about what you do. A true friend won’t give up on you just because you're struggling. So how is it that even while knowing all of this, we still cling to those who constantly hurt us without even caring? Why is it that we have to give them a long speech about how we hate the way they treat us but know that even if they don’t change we will still love them? Why? Because we still have that tiny little glimpse of hope that deep down they love us too and we cling to that. We write about them sometimes and share how much we appreciate them when we know they would never do the same. Maybe, that so-called ‘true friend’ you won’t truly ever get over, was a true friend once. Maybe someone else came and then everything changed. The ‘true friend’ chooses them over you. Why? I don’t know. Maybe because they are better looking, more athletic, more popular (for absolutely no reason at all), or maybe it’s because they live right next to that ‘true friend’. The ‘true friend’ then decides they no longer need you. So they throw you away. You helped them get so far and the moment they don’t need you they toss you, but you still try to cling on to them. Begging them to stay with you. Why? Because you can’t just forget that time they once ran a race for YOU, just to stick up for you. The time they kept on serving you when you were sick to your stomach with stress. You know they once cared about you, but not anymore. Why is it so hard to let them go? I don’t know, but I really try. Is it really worth our time to stress and cry over them? They’ve never cried over us, have they....? nope. We have other friends... why is it this one person we can’t stop thinking about? Because they cared and now they don’t. It’s time to say goodbye to them. Is it sad? Yeah. But when you really think about it, it shouldn’t be. One day soon when we’re just going about our day, we’ll realize that giving them up, is one of the best things we’ve ever done. We‘ve moved on and it feels really good to be free of crying and being mad at ourselves all the time. So yeah, it hurts now, but just think of that moment you’ll have moved on. So......