Appreciation for Avery
Heyyy Ok, I think you all might know who Avery is. She has written a guest post and I have a podcast with her! She is one of my best friends and I really appreciate her! Sooooo to celebrate her today I wanted to write an appreciation post for her. So here you go, Avery:

Dear Avery,
It’s been three years since we’ve met. It’s CRAZY that I’ve known you for that long already! You noticed on the first day of knowing me, that I was not the most popular girl in the class. You knew that you could go off and hang out with the ‘cooler’ group, but you didn’t. You stuck with me and know we are the best of friends. I don’t know where I would be without you. You helped me through sooooo much that you might not have even realized I needed help with. I loved getting to know you more and more throughout the years. You do such an AMAZING job with the podcast! You have such a natural talent for speaking truth into others' lives! I know I’m kinda a pain sometimes, but you do such a good job dealing with me. I hope you know you're loved and appreciated greatly.
-Heather 🖤