Appreciation for Nayeli
Hey everyone! You might have seen a few other appreciation posts on our blog (Heather and Indiana have each done some, and Aliana has one coming soon), so today I'm showing some appreciation for my friend Nayeli. She runs 2nd Gen TCK, another TCK blog, and we're super close friends. We do these appreciation posts to show our appreciation for our friends and to inspire you to tell your friends just how great they are. I'm so thankful that Nayeli is in my life!

Dear Nayeli,
If I haven't told you enough already, I am so thankful that we've become friends! I love being blogging buddies and working on that together. I love how we can send each other lots of random pictures and they somehow make sense. And I love sending our playlists back and forth, seeing each other add onto them. Thank you for assisting with my love of One Direction and not thinking I'm crazy. You are one of the most encouraging people I have ever met. You always put others in front of yourself, you have such a serving personality. Just messaging with you or video chatting with you puts a smile on my face. You are one of the most gorgeous people EVER, stop telling yourself you're not. You have such a genuine love for the Lord, and it shows in your life. You are one of the most amazing people and I am so grateful to have you as my friend.
Love, Kasey
P.S. Love you more ;)