Appreciation Post: Willow
Hey guys,
It’s been a while since we have done an appreciation post, so I would like to do one for Willow today.
Willow has been such an amazing friend to me over the course of the past few months, and I am incredibly grateful for her friendship- she was a friend when I didn't have any, having just moved here from a different country.
Willow, I love how you love God and strive to be a great friend and love God to the best of your ability every day; and how you shine your light in the darkness even when it isn’t easy. You are an inspiration to me. I love how you cling to God when times get hard, and think as well as pray things through before you speak.
You may be younger than me, but you are amazingly mature, and I love talking to you. When you get to wherever we are hanging ut with youth group, I relaxa few notches because it feels normal.
You are kind, always try to be kind to everyone and go out of your way to talk to the people who don't have friends, and you make me laugh even on bad days. You have a good heart, and are compassionate and loving even when others aren’t. You fight for the underdog, pray for your enemies and those who deeply hurt you, which not many people do. I admire that. You are constant, and pretty steady, because Jesus is your rock and stronghold, your fortress in times of trouble.

I’ve seen you grow in amazing ways the past few months, and am looking forward to seeing you grow in the coming ones, too. I see God in you and your love for others as He shines through you.
I love how you genuinely love your family and spend time with them, and your relationship with your parents.
I love how you always try to stay positive and put a smile on your face when times are hard, and choose joy; but also are vulnerable and willing to admit what the problem is.
I don’t feel like people let you know how amazing they think you are often enough, so this is me changing that :)
I thank God that He put you in my path, even if I am only here for a short time. You have been a huge blessing to me over the past year. I look forward to continuing to get to know you, and hope that we will always be friends!
Thank you guys for reading. What do you most appreciate in your friends? Leave a comment below or reach out to one of your friends and let them know how much you appreciate them!
God bless,