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Being Friends With Those who are Lost.

Writer's picture: Willow Willow

The Bible has ALOT to say about friendship. And when I say a lot, I mean ALOT. there are countless verses, stories and examples of what Godly friendship looks like through out the Bible. One of our greatest exemples of friendship is Jesus and his disciples, and even more precisely, the relationship between Jesus and Peter. Now, I am not using this example because I believe that Jesus loved Peter more than he loved his other disciples, or that he loved his disciples more than he loves the rest of the world, but we see in the New Testament that Peter and Jesus were super duper close. Best buds. And even though Peter didn't always get it right or be as understanding as he maybe should have been, he was a man willing to follow Jesus and striving to live a Godly life. I hope that each one of you reading this can relate a little to this, that you have at least one friend who shares your beliefs and who can encourage you in your faith. (if not you can put a note in the comments and I would be happy to pray for you.)

But what about the relationships where that isn't the case? Where You and your friend(s) have very different views on life and religion and they can be closed, not understanding or maybe even slightly hostile towards what you believe? These people that mean so much to us but they are still without truth and living in or supporting ungodly things.

This is a topic that involves both TCKs and non-TCKs alike, and the first thing I would like to say as I dive into it, is that it is perfectly fine to be friends with non-believers. It's actually a good thing. Not only do we get chances to share with God's people but we also get to learn more about the world around us. We learn how different religions and peoples think and process things and how we can best be a blessing to them so that they have a glimpse of who Jesus is. But we don't always have to be friends with someone just to share with them. It's good to meet new people and get to know the different kinds of people God has made. Learn what different quirks and talents he's given each one of his creations.

But sometimes being friends with un-believers can be overwhelming. There may be times where we're expected to join in on something we know is not ok and sometimes the negativity of the what are friends say or do can be discouraging. What is too much and when do we have to step back?

The Bible has many warnings about who not to friends with. Proverbs actually has a lot to say about it.

"Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor to a wrathful man." ~Proverbs 22:24

"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companions of fools will suffer harm" ~Proverbs 13:20

"One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray." ~Proverbs 12:26

Now I want to be clear that never in these verses or in any book of the Bible does it say that we can not be kind and compassionate to these people. Actually it says the opposite.

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." ~John 13:34

What these verses are saying is that we must be wise about our friendships. I personally believe that is perfectly fine to be friends with non believers, and I take these verses to mean a combination of

1: Be wise about you are friends with


2: Do not let unbelievers be your main influence.

So yes, love those around you and be friends with them. They after all are people that God has put in your life, but don't let them be your only influence (or inspiration). Make sure that you you have a friend (or friends) who love(s) the Lord along with you and can be an example to you of the way God wants us to live and love. And pray about it! When you are unsure what is too much, Pray about it! God never ever turns away a prayer. He wants to help you with whatever you're going through. Wether it has to do with friends or not.

I hope you liked this article! I had a good time writing it! Thank you, Rose, for this idea of a friendship related series! Again as I mentioned before, if anyone is in need of a friend or someone to be a light to or with them. I would love to pray for you. Reach out to me on the chat, by leaving a comment or sending an email to

We know that it can sometimes be lonely being a TCK, but remember that God loves you and Is looking out for you!

Until next time!


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