Being the New Kid
Hey everyone! Today I'm writing a post about being the new kid- something every almost every TCK has experienced. I'm sharing some things I've learned through my experiences being the new kid that I hope will help/encourage you and that help you relate to another TCK (me!).

Be intentional about making friends. I've moved in the middle of the school year multiple times, and a lot of the time it already seemed like people had their own groups of friends. Other TCKs often will welcome people, as they understand being the new kid, but it is still worth it to be intentional. Make plans with people, attend school sports games, remember things people like, ask questions, and be intentional about getting out there and being friendly.
Ask for help when you need it. Whether it's finding your way around a new place, something in school you haven't covered, or if you just need help dealing with everything, there are people in your life that love and care about you and want to help you. While asking for help may be putting yourself out there, it'll be worth it to get the answers or help you need.
Don't cling to the past. I'm sure you've had great memories in your old school/city/country, but if we cling to those, we can't move forwards and be present where we actually are. It's great to celebrate old memories and keep in touch with old friends, but don't let reminiscing about the past become your life; you'll miss opportunities and friends waiting for you right where you are.
Get into a routine. I'm not saying "do the exact same things every day", but get into a rhythm. This will provide structure to your life and help it feel like not everything is chaos. Having a set routine in the morning and a general routine for after school will not only help you get things done but also feel more stable.
Record it. You are having so many amazing experiences that are completely unique to you! Whether you like journaling, taking photos, or some other way of recording memories, embrace that and record everything about your transition and/or daily life. You will love looking back on those memories in a few years; I know I love looking back at old photos and journal entries.
Step out of your comfort zone. I'm someone who LOVES staying in my comfort zone, but I have some amazing memories from doing things that weren't necessarily in that area. Joining the school soccer team, going on bike rides, and all sorts of other things have great memories associated with them and I probably wouldn't have done if friends hadn't encouraged me to. It's great to have friends that push you, and it's great to try new things by yourself! You don't know what opportunities and experiences you are missing by staying in your comfort zone.
I hope that you enjoyed this article and feel challenged and encouraged. Send us a message in the chat box or email us at with any questions, comments, or suggestions. We're always open to new ideas!
Kasey 🌵