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Choose Joy

"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!" - Philippians 4:4

Joy requires trust - trust in the Lord

Follow in his steps, He’s the reward.

Trust in Him, in His perfect plan

Instead of relying on the ways of man.

Some mistake joy for happiness,

The feeling that comes from a moment of gladness.

But unlike happiness, Joy is a choice;

A daily decision we make to rejoice.

Though happiness relies on circumstance,

Choosing joy is not based on chance.

To have true joy we need to surrender,

Giving your all to God in His splendor.

Don’t spend your time chasing after happiness,

All you will find is a heart of emptiness.

The feeling of happiness comes and goes,

But joy our Savior always bestows.

~ By Aliana 🌻

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3 comentários

01 de nov. de 2021

I love how God is working through you!

01 de nov. de 2021
Respondendo a

aww love you, Kasey!!


01 de nov. de 2021

love it! Needed this today!

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