Dim window
“you’re beautiful” they said
but they didn’t see my heart
broken, sinful and shame filled
“you’re so strong” they repeated
time and time again
but my eyes filled with tears as i realized that no one could see how scared i really was
“you’ve grown” said the people i thought knew me most
but all i could see was the ways i had fallen short
I clung to every missed note, every selfish moment and every time i could have been a little bit better
A storm raged in my mind tossing around my worth, handing it off first to a well lead worship set but following that it plummeted down a hill of mean comments, failed test grades and guilty pleasures
so I cried the name of the only stability i knew wouldn’t crush me farther
he answered:
don’t you see?
“my power is made perfect in weakness”
your beauty is because of my holiness your strength is my might through you, and your growth is in knowing me more
it has never been about you, but about how I am seen through you.